Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So things are starting to come together...

Blogging is turning out to be great fun.  What a useful tool to help solidify my plans on my journey to lose weight and get organized to live the life I want to enjoy.  I've lost 10 lbs so far, and while that's a long way from my goal, it is a great start.  I didn't gain my weight overnight, and no matter how hard I wish... it's not going to disappear without a lot of hard work and dedication... which is where this blog comes in.  

I will be outlining my plans to organize my life.  There is so much I want to do, so much I want to be... but real life demands some attention.  Real life insists that I go to work everyday (commuting each way); real life insists that I do laundry, clean the bathrooms, grocery shop, pay bills and try to keep up with my very large family.  

I started writing out a plan to organize myself but I discovered that I needed to do a little thinking and a little dreaming of what kind of life I want to live. 

My wants and needs aren't grand; I have a lovely life... I wouldn't trade it for the world... but I would like to fine tune it.   I would like to make my home feel like a fabulous B&B, the kind you never want to leave.   I want friends and family to feel welcome to put up their feet and relax, share a meal, some wine and great conversation.   I want to lose weight, a lot of weight.  I think it will really help ease the pain in my leg, which will greatly enhance my life.  I want to be healthy and fit.  I want to keep up with my grandchildren and dance with my husband.  I want to wear the beautiful clothes that I see but can't buy.  I want to love every moment of this wonderful life I've been given. 

So now the work begins.  I've set up my blog, and while it is like me, a work in progress, I think I'm ready to define my goals and write up my roadmap on how to get to my destination.   The next couple of weeks will be long and arduous... and totally worth it. 

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