Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's one of THOSE mornings...

I'm tired, I don't want to go to work, I don't want to have a shower, I don't want to move.  My arms hurt from hauling myself around in the wheelchair and I want to go back to bed.   Coffee isn't helping, although I'm too tired to drink it and I have a half a cup sitting there getting colder by the second.  I'm in a miserable headspace this morning.... now it's time to take 10 minutes to figure out why.  If I don't... who knows what kind of trouble I might get myself into today.

Ok... so yesterday I had to meet up with my husband at the pharmacy after work as he needed to get his prescription refilled.  We were then going to go out for dinner... this was at 8:45 pm by the time I got off of work and was able to meet him there.  I know my husband, he will agree to go out for dinner and then complain about the price, the food, that we could have made the same thing at home so much cheaper and so much better... I knew we were going down that road when he made a comment about the leftover lasagna in the fridge at home... years of marraige have taught me that this was the beginning of an evening of him complaining and me getting grouchy.  I knew it could lead to bickering and that there was the possibility of me making poor choices because I was tired and cranky.  Instead I opted to just go home... he was surprised, but I think he was secretly happy.  

The biggest mistake I made was coming home and just going to bed without dinner.   I was only a little hungry and I was super tired.   I didn't want leftover lasagna and I was too tired to make salad.. more salad... ugh for salad... I went to bed and he had leftovers.  He was mad at me anyhow... felt I was trying to punish him for making one little comment... whatever... maybe I was, maybe I was just making an educated guess based on past experience... maybe some of each.   More likely, I was sore and tired from the wheelchair and work.   I was cranky and being lazy.   This morning I'm still a little cranky and a little lazy.  These are two dangerous feelings for me, it leads to not caring and comforting myself with food.

Game plan...
I need a game plan... I need to get up and get ready for work, I need to pack a healthy lunch.  I need to make it through the day... and hopefully feel better while I'm doing it.  

Step one... my step one was to fall back on my base plan... don't eat or drink anything off of my food plan when I'm feeling like a miserable old crow. 

Ok... I had a hard boiled egg and a clementine (a small tangerine) with my morning coffee.   Now I'm starting to feel a little better... but still in a lousy mood... hmm.   I'll take my organic granola mixed with bran buds and my yogurt for snack, my 10 grapes and Baby Bell cheese,  my 10 almonds and banana... what can be for lunch?   Ok.  I'll get up off of my (comfy chair) and plan out my lunch, think about my dinner.   Figure out what to wear to work... ugh.   I want to be lazy, I want to take a short cut.. I want to get away with something... I want to be indulged.  Ok, I'll skip the shower and just wash up and do my hair... I don't do this very often, I'm a shower a day kinda gal.. but if I'm going to have a day where something goes sideways... I'll let it be the shower and plan out a nice relaxing bath tonight when I get home, relax in the bubbles tonight.  

So, to recap... I'm going to stay on my food plan, can't go off it on a bad day, can only treat on a good day.  I'm going to plan out some healthy foods for my day and toss in a pickle (on the plan, but I don't normally have one.) 
I'm going to indulge my mood (just a little) by skipping my morning shower.  I'm going to reward myself at the end of my day with a bubble bath.

Alright... I have a plan, now I'll get up, make a 2nd cup of coffee and pack my food for the day, get dressed and get on with it.  Deep breath and here we go.

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